Even the greatest of all time lose

The greatest people in sports have a different view of failure. They see it as a chance to improve their game.

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Investments are never lost

Just because you've invested time and money into something, doesn't mean you have to continue.

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Fail faster than your competition

Failing frequently and fast leads to more success in your company. This might sound counterintuitive. Find our more

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The best gift your environment could give you

The people closest to you could make or break the quality of your life. Find out why in this post.

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Why ownership of your life can improve the quality drastically

Everything we do we choose. So what is there to regret? You are the person you choose to be.

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Keep putting in the hard work

Wake up call: the work (that is called life) is never done. We are constantly evolving and the sooner you realize that the better.

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Even the greatest of all time lose

The greatest people in sports have a different view of failure. They see it as a chance to improve their game.
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Investments are never lost

Just because you've invested time and money into something, doesn't mean you have to continue.
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Fail faster than your competition

Failing frequently and fast leads to more success in your company. This might sound counterintuitive. Find our more
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The best gift your environment could give you

The people closest to you could make or break the quality of your life. Find out why in this post.
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We work a job we hate, to buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t like

Feel all the feels, do it anyways

The best planner of 2023

Being Productive Tomorrow But Already Setting Yourself Up to Fail

The circle of influence, how to take action

Stop waiting for Summer, Start enjoying now

The secrets adults failed to tell us

How to follow up on your values with action

Ways to make people like you

Six thinking hats: make better decisions

Imposter syndrome

Six thinking hats: make better decisions

Ways to make people like you

How to follow up on your values with action

Deep Dive with Steven Bartett

Steven Bartlett has been successful but more importantly, he founded the podcast: “The Diary of a CEO”. In the podcast, he has interviewed hundreds of inspiring, well-known, and successful people. In this interview, he breaks down what he learned from all those conversations. 

3 takeaways from this podcast:

  • In order to start something, you need to quit something else
  • You need a challenge, a sense of progress, reason, autonomy and control, and a supportive community to thrive in your profession
  • Plan A thinking: if you have an alternative, you won’t think about the primary task anymore
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